Collaborative Community


If there is anything we have learned from 2020 so far, it is that none of us can do it alone. During this time, The Matthews House has had to learn, adapt, and overcome. 2020 may not have been what we envisioned the year looking like, but we don’t want to forget all of the victories that have come our way! This experience has allowed The Matthews House to lean on the community, while we navigate serving our participants during this time.



The Matthews House has always believed in the power of community, and the pandemic has only reinforced this belief. Building relationships with our clients and providing them with the resources they need has always been a priority for us. Through the navigation of this year, we have had the opportunity to continue partnering with exceptional organizations to guarantee the wellbeing of our participants!

For instance, this pandemic has left some of our families in need of food. We were and still are determined to make sure this does not become a barrier. The Bohemian Foundation has been providing us with meals that we can deliver to our families. This donation not only allows us to minimize food insecurity, but it also allows us to check-in and continue to build relationships with our participants.

Another organization that has made a difference in our client’s lives is The Nappie Project. This organization has been providing us with loads of diapers and baby wipes. Again, this helps us to remove barriers and support our participants.



The Matthews House has seen firsthand that there is strength in numbers. Our mission has remained the same, but our strategies have improved. Community collaboration only makes us stronger! We are so grateful to all the partnerships we have in the community.

The organizations mentioned here are just a couple of the many who have stacked hands to fill a need in our community. Click HERE to see more resources. We are all in this fight together because we are always GROWING STRONGER TOGETHER.

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